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Digital showers

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Mira Digital showers

Mira digital showers boast high quality and advanced technologies to create the perfect shower. The digital controls provide precision adjustments to temperature and are fixed to the wall for a minimalist look. Mira digital showers take the water from your hot and cold supplies and mix them to create the ideal temperature. Mira’s digital showers are also available with different feed options. Ceiling fed is ideal for high pressure systems, whereas rear fed systems are better suited with lower pressures. This gives you the ability to provide the best showering experience for any water system.

Mira Digital showers

Mira digital showers boast high quality and advanced technologies to create the perfect shower. The digital controls provide precision adjustments to temperature and are fixed to the wall for a minimalist look. Mira digital showers take the water from your hot and cold supplies and mix them to create the ideal temperature. Mira’s digital showers are also available with different feed options. Ceiling fed is ideal for high pressure systems, whereas rear fed systems are better suited with lower pressures. This gives you the ability to provide the best showering experience for any water system.

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