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Bricks & blocks
Bricks and blocks are essential in masonry construction, for new structures as well as additions and modifications to existing ones. Concrete blocks are so versatile in their use, from foundation walls, cavity walls, partition walls and more. Facing bricks are manufactured with the purpose of being visible and we offer a selection of popular finishes. Made to British Standard specification, our bricks and blocks are suitable for residential construction and our bulk packs can be delivered to your site.
Bricks & blocks
Bricks and blocks are essential in masonry construction, for new structures as well as additions and modifications to existing ones. Concrete blocks are so versatile in their use, from foundation walls, cavity walls, partition walls and more. Facing bricks are manufactured with the purpose of being visible and we offer a selection of popular finishes. Made to British Standard specification, our bricks and blocks are suitable for residential construction and our bulk packs can be delivered to your site.
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